We can experience the full range of emotions, without being ruled by them.

Practical guidance and tools to help you find peace and calm in day-to-day life.

Are you a teen, or would you like to help your teen to manage their stress? It is possible to feel more calm, confident and connected. Join us at our community forum in Bathurst at 4.30pm, on Monday, May 13th - RSVP or register your interest.

Our Feeling well, living well program is helping to increase people’s sense of emotional wellness and social connection in Australian workplaces and communities. You can see our report on our recent Central West Emotional Connection project here.

We are pleased to announce Strong & Calm, a brand new program to help men change their lives, and the lives of those they love.

The program will support men to acknowledge and resolve their intense feelings of anger, guilt and shame, and enable them to stop perpetuating hurt and harm to themselves and others.

Read more about Strong & Calm here.

We are seeking financial support to initiate the program, which we feel has enormous social potential - express your interest here.